Tuesday, June 30, 2015

RECEIPT OR RECIPE? Opinion from The American Pastry Cook - 1894

[Let's go back 121 years today and ask the age old question....Receipt or Recipe?]

Which is right?

Worcester [Joseph Emerson Worcester, b. August 24, 1784 – d. October 27, 1865, was an American lexicographer who was the chief competitor to Noah Webster of Webster's Dictionary in the mid-nineteenth-century.] says that a recipe is a receipt for cooking ; also, that it is a formulary or prescription for mixing certain articles, particularly in medicine. Webster, also, makes recipe and receipt appear nearly synonymous terms, and attaches to the former a particularly medical meaning that is nowhere made to belong to the other.. The French recette, which appears to be the original of our receipt, is pronounced like it; and yet all the translated French books have recipe instead.

Of half a dozen different articles on the grocer's shelves, four have recipes printed on the packages while others give receipts.

Of six persons talking together, four or five will say recipe, the rest receipt. The label on the bottle tells you that the sauce beside your plate was prepared from the receipt of a nobleman of the county. But the nobleman's only authoritative English cook-book uses recipe.

By its side is another later and very compendious work which is advertised as containing so many thousand receipts. Still another more recent and even more compendious London book, uses the other word. Both words are right, but which is the better?

Several hundred pages of the matter which it is proposed to publish in this column, had been written with the word recipe, according to the observed practice of the majority, but after all it was decided to change it, and for reasons perhaps as immaterial as the difference between the two words in question.

Still, the minority side having been taken, it seems best to state the case.

A city man, wise in the ways of bread making, was at an old Yankee farmer's house instructing his housekeeper in the best methods of making homemade Boston brown bread, and used the word recipe frequently. The old man was not illiterate, but excessively old-fashioned, and the tri-syllable annoyed him past bearing.

He laid down the Churchman that he had been reading, and leaned back and listened.
Then he took off his glasses. Then he began to remonstrate.

"Oh, don't bring those affected city words among us plain people. 'Recipee,' " he repeated,
with immeasurable contempt.

"My parents always said receipt ; my neighbors all say receipt, what would they think of us if we should go among them putting on such airs as that ?"

As I overheard this, and a cutting phillipic which followed, aimed at city affectations in general, my faith in the power of high-sounding recipe to soothe the savage breast was considerably weakened. A long time after, and at a very distant place, a lady school teacher was heard to say: "I am so glad if receipt is the right word instead of recipe; the latter seems so much like a stranger in a foreign dress among our familiar English words of the same dimensions. When I have taught my pupils to indite and recite, it is troublesome to make them understand that recipe is not to be pronounced that way at all, and then, again, to stop them from making two syllables of ripe, wipe, and pipe."

This was another blow at the aristocratic trisyllable, but it seemed hard to have to descend from the lofty heights where it prevailed to the level of the common. Fortunately, just at that time, the great house of the Harpers published the most polite cook-book that has yet appeared. It made extreme correctness a special feature. It was typographically perfect.

It hyphenated every cocoa-nut. It split hairs on teaspoonful.

It followed Noah Webster whither-soever he might lead. It was "the glass of fashion and the mould—I mean mold—of form," and with all this it adopted receipt instead of recipe.

There was no more room for doubt. Higher precedent there could not be, and so, if the reader pleases, as far as this column is concerned, we will render unto the doctors the Latin trisyllable which is their, and use only the humbler but safer English receipt.


Receipt or Recipe? Article taken from:

Volume 1 of the "Oven and Range" Series
The American Pastry Cook

by Jessup Whitehead

Jessup Whitehead & Co., Publishers

A book of perfected Receipts, for making all sorts of articles required of the Hotel Pastry Cook, Baker and Confectioner, especially adapted for Hotel and Steamboat [yes, it said steamboat] use, and for Cafes and Fine Bakeries.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Virginia's Skin Care and Makeup Tips

I have been asked what brand of makeup I use, so I will try to explain. I don't know if the brand really makes a difference. The secret is the preparation of the skin before you apply all that beauty.

The most critical part is to begin with very clean skin. What you use is really your choice. I have a lotion and a soap I use interchangeably. Rinse well and pat dry with a clean towel.

Now the more delicate part begins. You must have on hand the mega beautiful skin creams for the elderly females. The first is a gel which puts water into the skin. The is essential for youthful skin. Now you put as much as you can rubbing it in. You do not want to drip all over the place upon completion. Neither do you want to appear as if you are in a downward spiral from all the water flowing down your face like tears.

Once this is done, you apply the moisturizing lotion. This makes your face feel wonderful so you need to pay attention and not get caught up in the wonderful sensation. You may use too much and the makeup will slide right off your face. You might frighten people because they may think you are losing your skin.

Next comes the day cream. Using the ring finger, gently apply this sparingly. Use small circular motions as you apply. Let this dry.

Now begin the makeup itself. Most of the time I just used powder.

If I use a base all this will find the grooves and troughs of my face and will lodge there making me look like ruts in a road. Try to get the color even and match this to the color of your natural skin tone.

Another reason to wait on the creams to dry before you begin. The rubbing causes the skin to look red. If you match at this point the outcome will make you appear to be sunburned, or possibly a clown.

Apply powder if needed.

Next are the eyes, the most difficult part. Use a light base color as a primer on the eyelids. Then begin with your desired color. Three colors are sufficient. Use a medium color next to the eye and be careful not to get this in your eye. This will cause the floodgates to open and all the tears will undo everything. If so you must begin again. Already the time spent on putting on your beauty has been at least 10 minutes (yeah right). You apply the three colors as they appear on eye shadow box.

If you want to try to use false eyelashes, you are very brave. I have tried and cannot get this to work. Either I have them upside down, on the lower lid, above the upper lid, crooked or half of the lashes have been pulled out. I look as if Lucy put them on. So I have given up on that.

So now on to the mascara. I manage to get that all over my eyes. I look as if I have the directions to a buried treasure on my face.

Next the lipstick. Brace both arms on something stationary and pray. This takes a steady hand. If you are not careful, you will end up with the lipstick going up into your nose which is really unpleasant. Then you have to try and use something to keep the lipstick from running into the creases around you lips and down the corners as well. This gives you a Dracula look which you do not want unless you are into vampires.

Now. Stand back and admire your work. You are a vision of loveliness.

Okay, If this didn't work for you, just wash your face and go wherever you want.

Virginia Anderson Hopkins

Virginia Anderson Hopkins was born in Louisiana, but Timmonsville is her home. She was a graduate of Timmonsville High School and the daughter of Charles L. Anderson who was the principal of Timmonsville Elementary School for 30 years. She graduated from Coker College and became a teacher. Virginia loved teaching and actually taught around 6,000 students during her career. She retired with 42 years of service to our community. She is most proud of her two children who are both college graduates and live in Columbia, SC.

Thanks for sharing your skin care regimen, Virginia, you are a delight.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

FCSO launches Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety for July 2015


Florence County Sheriff's Office Announces DDACTS Locations:

The Florence County Sheriff’s Office has designated the following DDACTS “hot spot” areas of Florence County for high visibility traffic enforcement for the next month (July 2015).

Brittany Drive, Willow Trace and Via Ponticello;

• South Cashua Drive, South Santiago Drive, Hyde Circle, South Parker Drive and Ridgecrest Circle;

• South Canal Drive, Allison Street, Dawn Street, Yancy Drive and Brenda Street;

• Howe Springs Road area, Tara Village and Southern Pines;

West Camp Branch road, McAllister Road, and Trifalia Road.

These areas were selected as “hot spots” based upon location-based crime and traffic crash data. Residents and motorists in these areas can expect to see high visibility enforcement of traffic laws for the next several weeks with both marked and unmarked units running rear blue lights even when not on a traffic stop. In addition, routine citizen encounters in these areas will be increased.

DDACTS, or Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety is a U.S. Department of Justice approved operational enforcement model launched by FCSO in June of 2014 which uses GIS mapping of crime and crash data to establish effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement resources. 

This model recognizes the clear correlation between vehicle crashes and incidents of crime and seeks to reduce both in the targeted areas with high visibility enforcement of traffic laws. 

FCSO is the first sheriff’s office in South Carolina to adopt DDACTS as an enforcement model.

Sheriff Kenney Boone

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

SOLD - Real Estate & Personal Property Auction Saturday, June 20th at 10am - Bryant Auction & Real Estate LLC

The Living Estate of Tommy & Linda Jeffords

Real Estate & Personal Property Auction

Date: June 20, 2015

Time: Personal Property @ 10am
          Real Estate @ 12pm

Location: 1616 Patton Dr Florence, SC  MAP
(Please note that Florence County uses 1537 W ROSEDALE ST for location address and refers to Patton Dr address as the mailing address. It's a corner lot. Go figure. This address will work better in your GPS.)
These folks are retiring & moving to Bethea Baptist Community.

Real Estate - Offered at 12:00 Noon
Home Built in 1950
Approximately 1,640 Sq Ft, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Fire Place, with enclosed Sun Room.
Fenced in Back Yard, Workshop in rear. House has Well Water and Irrigation System.

Personal Property begins at 10am - Household Items, Furniture, Glassware, Lamps, Pictures, Appliances. Great selection of Hand Tools, Power Tools, Table Saw, Radial Arm Saw, and many other items.

Terms: Real Estate - 10% Buyer's premium applies, 10% down day of auction, balance due in thirty (30) days at closing.
Personal Property: All items settled day of auction, 10% Buyer's Premium added to final bid.

Check out the Facebook image gallery below and make sure you 'LIKE' their page while you're at it.

The Living Estate of Tommy & Linda JeffordsReal Estate & Personal Property AuctionDate: June 20, 2015Time: Personal...
Posted by Bryant Auction & Real Estate LLC on Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

FOIA Requires Public Bodies to Meet in Public

Timmonsville Townhall, 115 W. Main St., Timmonsville, SC
PUBLIC MEETINGS The law says a public meeting is a gathering of a quorum (simple majority) of a public body, either in person or by telephone or computer, to discuss or act upon public business. Work sessions, ad hoc committees, retreats, and subcommittee and committee meetings are covered by the law. All meetings of public bodies are open and public notice of the meetings must be given 24 hours in advance.

Who can attend a public meeting?
The public has a right to attend and record or film meetings, work sessions and retreats of all public bodies unless closed for limited and specific reasons.

How do I know when a public body is meeting?
Before the public can attend a meeting, it has to know about it. The FOIA requires public bodies to announce the schedule of regular meetings at the first of each year, and if there is an agenda, to make it available at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. Usually, notice is also published in the local newspaper and posted at the place of the meeting. For emergency meetings, at least some notice of the time, place and agenda must still be given.

Where can I find meeting minutes and what should they include? 
Public bodies must take minutes at the meeting. Minutes are considered public records. Though minutes don't have to be in a specific format, they must, at a minimum, include the date, time and location of the meeting, which members of the public body were there and which ones weren't, a summary of the discussions and a record of any votes taken. Minutes of meetings held in the previous six months must be made available to the public without a written request during the public body or agency's business hours. 

When can a public body close its meeting to the public? 
All public business should be performed in an open and public manner. However, there are certain exemptions in the FOIA that a public body may use to go into a closed meeting. 

Exemptions include:
• discussions of the hiring, firing, promotion or discipline of an employee or student • discussion of contract negotiations, including the sale of property

• receipt of legal advice (Public bodies may receive legal advice behind closed doors when it relates to a pending claim, the position of the public body in an adversarial matter or any matter covered by attorney-client privilege. Such exemptions are put in the law to provide shelter when necessary. Having an attorney present is not a carte blanche excuse for secrecy.

• discussion of security personnel or devices

• discussions that may lead to criminal prosecution

• discussion of business recruitment/economic development When can a public body go into a closed meeting? Before a public body may go into a closed meeting (also known as Executive Session), it must make a motion in open session, stating the purpose of the closed meeting and identifying the specific exemption that covers the topic. A general reference such as “personnel matters” is not sufficient. The members of the body must vote on the motion. Can a public body vote in a closed meeting? No votes or actions may be taken in the closed session. All votes must be made in front of the public.

Can I record a meeting?
Public meetings, except for executive sessions, may be recorded or filmed, provided you don't interfere with the meeting.

The Timmonsville Town Council normally meets on first Tuesday of every month @7pm on 115 E Main St, (The old Pee Dee State Bank building) in Timmonsville, SC 29161.

Got questions call? Phone: (843) 346-7942

Monday, June 8, 2015

Roasted Okra a powerhouse of valuable nutrients

Okra or gumbo (the Swahili name for okra), is a flowering plant in the mallow family and every southern garden has a row. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. It is a tall-growing, warm-season, annual vegetable from the same family as hollyhock, rose of Sharon and hibiscus.

Okra is a powerhouse of valuable nutrients, nearly half of which is soluble fiber in the form of gums and pectins. Soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. The other half is insoluble fiber, which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.  You might also be able to reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes by adding more fiber to your diet, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. If you need to shed a few pounds, eating more fiber might help too.

Most people don't get enough fiber.  The Mayo Clinic suggests you should try to consume between 20 and 35 grams of fiber each day. Eating vegetables is a low-fat, low-calorie way to boost your intake, and okra is a great southern summertime vegetable. Okra has a bad reputation though, folks say it’s slimy, but don't believe that. Just cook your okra whole – the less surface area, the less slime. Okra’s delicious and so easy to cook, just steam it and eat. 

1 cup of okra has a mere 33 calories. While each cup has 299 mg of Potassium  and 7 grams of Carbohydrate, there is also 3.2 grams of dietary fiber and 1.5 grams of Sugar and 1.9 g Protein. This means that almost 25 percent of the calories come right from protein.

Try this tasty Roasted Okra recipe:

Preheat your an oven to 425 degrees F.
Arrange 18-20 young fresh okra pods in one layer on a foil-lined cookie sheet.
Drizzle with one tablespoon of good olive oil over the pods and sprinkle with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. Then Bake in the preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes, turning once during that time.

I am now on the hunt for some great family recipes using okra.