Monday, January 12, 2015

SC House District 63 Candidates hail from Timmonsville families

SC House 63 Candidates ~ February 24, 2015
Timmonsville friends we have a special election in Florence County for House District 63 on February 24th.

You might know all three of the candidates who hail from good Timmonsville families. They are all highly qualified and have stepped up to offer themselves for service to our community.

You may have already received a letter from some or all of them asking for your support.

Campaigns are expensive. Signs, billboards, TV, radio, newsprint ads, literature and postal fees for mailings, it all adds up to big bucks.

May I suggest that you consider making a donation to one of the candidates.

You may be thinking your budget would not allow enough of a contribution to matter. Let me tell you, a candidate always remembers the people who supported them, even the smallest donation is valuable and appreciated in a campaign. The most difficult part of running for office is raising that needed money.

Please don't wait for these candidates to ask you for your support.

Sometimes in local races, folks worry about publicly supporting one candidate, because they know them all and do not want to choose between them. Well, if you live in District 63, you will have to choose on February 24th but you don't ever have to go public with your vote and you can donate without going public too.

It's simple: Make your check for $100 or less - payable to the candidate of your choice.

On the memo section of your check, write these words: "withhold name on ethics filing"
Somewhere on the check also put your occupation.

Mail your donation to:

Robby Hill for SC House
318 West Palmetto Street
Florence, SC 29501

Elijah Jones for SC House
1340 Celebration Blvd Unit C
Florence, SC 29501

Jay Jordan for SC House
626 W Evans St
Florence, SC 29501

Candidates should report the $100 or less donation as received from  "un-itemized contributions $100 or less" and use the candidates own address on the Ethics Report.

The donation amount, name, address, and occupation are recorded on the candidate's private records but not revealed on the public ethics report, and does not end up in the Morning News and on some other candidates "Raise Money" list.

Thanks for contributing to the district 63 candidates of the Republican primary special election.

Together We All Win!

SC Code of Law
(2) the name and address of each person making a contribution and the amount and date of receipt of each contribution;

(F) Certified campaign reports detailing campaign contributions and expenditures must contain:

(1) the total of contributions accepted by the candidate or committee;

(2) the name and address of each person making a contribution of more than one hundred dollars and the amount and date of receipt of each contribution;

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